Wizard Edge Spin Rod
The tackle of spin fishing has become extremely diverse today, and this applies to rods as well. Rods can be specifically selected based on their characteristics and the species of fish, so that we can fish with the most suitable rod for the given technique.
Our latest Edge Spin series is recommended to anglers who prefer taut, distinctive, swift rods, whether it's for catfish or zander fishing. In addition to the Extra-Fast action, it's worth mentioning the appearance when discussing a new spinning rod, where in case of the Edge Spin, we can talk about a series that stands out from the norm and has been dressed in a modern guise. In this case, the blank was made using IM12 carbon, which results in an incredibly tight structure.
Currently available in lengths of 215, 235, and 265 cm. Due to this range, these rods are the perfect companion for distance fishing and boat fishing as well. The rods are currently available in Medium 12-36 g, Medium-Heavy 25-55 g, and Heavy 45-95 g casting weights.
A reel seat - equipped with a screw top - has been placed on the rods, providing completely secure attachment, and thanks to the carbon insert, it also adds a positive visual element to the exterior. In addition, the reel seat is uniquely designed on every member of the series.
Fortunately, a hook keeper has also been added to every rod, which is a useful and essential accessory for the rods. Give the latest Wizard Edge spinning rods a try during your next zander fishing sessions; it is an excellent option for jigging in the assortment.
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A legfrissebb IM12-es karbon technológiát nagy szilárdságú, könnyített szerkezet és a terhelés hatására dinamikusan reagáló, gerinces anyag jellemzi. Kiválóan terhelhető, a fárasztás során felkeményedő sportos botok, melyek között tökéletes darabok találhatók szinte minden horgászmódszerhez. |
¡Los equipos para Spinning se han diversificado y especializado mucho! Las cañas pueden seleccionarse según sus características específicas, para situaciones concretas teniendo en cuenta el escenario, la especie y tamaño de la captura deseada, así como el tipo y peso de los señuelos… Nuestra ...